How does advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging actually work?

Today we are revealing the basic working mechanism of advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) for the very first time!

All packaged food comprises three components: a solid food component, such as meat and fish; a liquid food component, such as sauce and oil; and the food container.

In conventional retort sterilization, pressurized heat is applied to all components. The high temperature (121 to 135 °C) can overcook the solid food component, making it tough, dry and tasteless.

ASAP is unique in that pressurized heat is applied to the liquid food component only. A surface treatment method (> 140 °C) is used to sterilize the exterior of solid foods. The interior remains at sous-vide temperatures (60 to 80 °C) at all times.

All components are then combined and aseptically sealed inside the container. As a result, the food remains soft, juicy and tender but is shelf-stable.



傳統高溫高壓滅菌方法因為將加壓熱力應用於整罐包裝食品上,高溫(121至135 °C)可導致固體食物部份變得又老又乾。

ASAP獨特之處在於加壓熱力僅應用於液體食物部份。固體食物部份靠一表面高溫方法(> 140 °C)進行滅菌,內部卻保持在真空低溫烹調溫度(60至80 °C)。當我們將固體和液體食物合併在無菌容器內,食物便能夠在室溫下保存,而固體食物亦會變得鮮嫩多汁。
