Our list of achievements for 2019

The IXON team is proud to say that the list of achievements we have made over the last 12 months has been long and wide-ranging. From our debut in Stockholm to the great number of prizes and nominations we received from various parts of the world, our advanced sous-vide aseptic packaging (ASAP) technology has been gaining positive exposure in the media as well as from the food industry. Here is a summary of what we have achieved this year:

  • Debuted our technology in Sweden Foodtech Big Meet in June.

  • Showcased our technology in Food’s Future Summit and Future Food-tech London in October, as well as Food Matters Live in November.

  • Named Top 10 startups by MATCH-ER, an international open innovation program based in Emilia-Romagna.

  • Named Top 10 startups by FoodTech Accelerator, a global food accelerator based in Milan run by Deloitte.

  • Named one of Foodtech 500 companies, the definitive list of most inspirational movers and shakers in AgriFoodTech powered by Forward Fooding.

  • Shortlisted for 2019 Food Matters Live Awards in the Best Food Tech Innovation of the Year category.

  • Shortlisted for Top 10 Food Processing and Packaging Tech Solution Providers in APAC 2020 by Food and Beverage Technology Review.

  • Interviewed by Food Ingredients First on 13 September, Packaging Insights on 9 December, as well as Commercial Radio Hong Kong on 23 and 24 December.

Let’s hope that our list of achievements for 2020 will be greater, longer and better.


  • 我們6月在瑞典Sweden Foodtech Big Meet上首次亮相。

  • 我們在10月的Food’s Future Summit和Future Food-tech London,以及11月的Food Matters Live上展示了我們的技術。

  • IXON被總部位於艾米利亞—羅馬涅的國際開放式創新計劃MATCH-ER評選為十大初創公司

  • IXON被全球食品加速器FoodTech Accelerator(由德勤營運)評選為十大初創公司

  • IXON被Forward Fooding評選為全球食物初創500強

  • ASAP技術入圍了《 Food Matters Live Awards 2019》最佳食品技術創新獎

  • ASAP技術被《食品和飲料技術評論》評選為2020年亞太地區十大食品加工和包裝技術

  • 分别在9月13日、12月9日和12月23-24日接受了《食物材料優先》、《包裝洞察》和香港商業電台採訪。
